LegalJourney Blog
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
According to the Kaiser Health News Webinar "Who Are America's Caregivers? Nearly A Quarter Are Millennials" the commonly held belief that Baby Boomers are the only ones caring for older relatives is failing to consider the the role Millennials are taking on in the estimated $470 billion worth of work: "Caring for older relatives is usually a task associated with Baby Boomers, the 50- and 60-somethings who find their aging parents need assistance. But almost a quarter of the adults who take care of older people — on top of their regular jobs and responsibilities — are between the ages of 18 and 34... About 40 million Americans considered themselves caregivers in 2013…[t]hose people are typically women, and their median age is 49. The work they do caring for older relatives…was estimated that same year to be worth about $470 billion.” Source/more: Kaiser Health News
Thursday, December 10, 2015
What steps should you take to put your estate in order while you're young?A recent survey of 2,000 married couples has found that a third of them do not have life insurance; more than 40 percent admit to being financially unprepared for the death of a spouse. In order to put your family in a state of preparedness, the following should be considered. Calculating Life Insurance NeedsCommonly, people, especially young people, stick with whatever life insurance their employer provides. There are two problems with this method: the amount of life insurance is likely to be insufficient, and your life insurance policy will probably be lost if you lose your job. In calculating the amount of life insurance you need, it is important to take into account: · Mortgage and other debts · Day care and college tuition · Annual income of working spouses for requisite number of years · Cost of replacement services of at-home spouse or caregiver · Insurance costs · Savings Understanding Your Spouse's Life Insurance Policy A study has found that married adults without children are less likely to understand the specific details of one another's life insurance policies. Perhaps even more disturbingly, women, with or without children, are less knowledgeable about their family's insurance policies than their partners. It is recommended that both partners in a marriage be aware of: · Which company holds the policy · How much coverage it provides · How much it costs · How long its term is, if it is a term life policy · Whether the policy can be converted to permanent life insurance Writing a Will
It is alarming to realize that 70 percent of adults with minor children do not have wills. This means that their estates, their executors and the guardians of their children have not been settled. They are running the risk that, should they die prematurely, state inheritance laws, not their own wishes, will determine what happens to their assets, and possibly who takes care of their children. Keeping All Financial Records and Important Documents Secure and AvailableBetween one-fifth and one-third of married adults are unsure of how or where to access their family's most important records. It is important that financial documents, contact numbers of advisors, insurance policy numbers and related information be kept in a secure place known to both partners and to at least one other trusted individual. While it is uncomfortable to face the possible harsh realities of our futures, it is not nearly as unpleasant to face them when life is going well as under the stress of sudden tragedy. As you proactively plan for a secure future for your family, you should engage the services of an experienced estate planning attorney, one who can make sure you cover all the financial, emotional and legal bases.
Monday, November 30, 2015
Will or Won’t? Things a Will Won’t (or Can’t) Do Wills offer many benefits and are an important part of any estate plan, regardless of how much property you have. Your will can ensure that after death your property will be given to the loved ones you designate. If you have children, a will is necessary to designate a guardian for them. Without a will, the courts and probate laws will decide who inherits your property and who cares for your children. But there are certain things a will cannot accomplish.
A will has no effect on the distribution of certain types of property after your death. For example, if you own property in joint tenancy with another co-owner, your share of that property will automatically belong to the surviving joint tenant. Any contrary will provision would only be effective if all joint tenants died at the same time.
If you have named a beneficiary on your life insurance policy, those proceeds will not be subject to the terms of a will and will pass directly to your named beneficiary. Similarly, if you have named a beneficiary on your retirement accounts, including pension plans, individual retirement accounts (IRAs), 401(k) or 403(b) retirement plans, the money will be distributed directly to that named beneficiary when you pass on, regardless of any will provisions.
Brokerage accounts, including stocks and bonds, in which you have named a transfer-on-death (TOD) beneficiary will be transferred directly to the named beneficiary. Vehicles may also be titled with a TOD beneficiary, and would therefore transfer to your beneficiary, regardless of any provisions contained in your will. Similar to TODs, bank accounts may have a pay-on-death beneficiary named.
The will’s shortcomings are not limited to matters of inheritance. Generally, wills are not as well suited as trusts for putting conditions on a gift such as requiring someone to get married or divorced, or obtain a certain education level, as a prerequisite to inheriting a portion of your estate. A simple will cannot reduce estate taxes the way some kinds of trust plans can.
A trust, not a will, is also necessary to arrange for care for a beneficiary who has special needs. A will cannot provide for long-term care arrangements for a loved one. However, a special needs trust can provide financial support for a disabled beneficiary, without risking government disability benefits.
If you want to leave your estate to Fido, you’re out of luck in many states. Without a special pet trust, your will may not be able to provide for pets to inherit your assets. You can use your will to leave your pet to someone, and then leave money to that person in trust to help take care of your pet.
A will cannot help you avoid probate. Assets left through a will generally must be transferred through a court-supervised probate proceeding, which can take months, or longer, at significant expense to your estate. If it’s probate you want to avoid, consider establishing a living trust to hold your significant assets.
Friday, November 20, 2015
The financial abuse of seniors is a growing area of crime in America. This kind of abuse often comes at the hand of caregivers who manage to deplete an elderly person’s life savings. Sadly, a lot of this theft is committed by family members. According to a study by the Journal of General Internal Medicine, 60 percent of financial abuse cases involved an adult child of the elderly person; women are twice as likely to be victims as men, although elderly men are also abused, most frequently those who are living alone. Currently, there are no federal laws regarding financial elder abuse, and only two states, California and Florida, have laws that require the reporting of financial elder abuse (or abuse of any handicapped adult). However, most states have a department on aging charged with tracking these cases. Unfortunately, there is little if any coordination between these departments and the authorities. So elder abuse often does not get reported or investigated. Nonetheless, growing media attention is shining a light on the problem and the federal government is taking notice. In fact, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) recently issued a guide to help professional caregivers protect the people in their care by preventing and addressing financial scams. The guide helps them recognize, record, and report suspected financial abuse by family members and others who are handling the finances of an elderly or incapacitated adult. The American Bankers Association also recently announced an alliance with AARP to work on the financial elder abuse crisis. ABA president Frank Keating said in a statement: "Our planned alliance with AARP will help us provide bankers, older Americans, and their caregivers with the tools they need to thwart financial crimes." There are other steps people can take to protect elders. If a sibling or other caregiver is handling a parent’s financial affairs, and if there might be abuse , an attorney can help to pursue a legal case and protect an elder person’s rights.
Sunday, November 15, 2015

Glossary of Estate Planning Terms
Will - a written document specifying a person’s wishes concerning his or her property distribution upon his or her death.
In order to be enforced by a court of law, a will must be signed in accordance with the applicable wills act.
Testator/Testatrix - the person who signs the will.
Heirs - beneficiaries of an estate.
Personal Representative/Executor/Executrix - the individual given authority by the testator to make decisions to put the testator’s written directions into effect. Once the will is entered into probate, the personal representative’s signature is equivalent to the testator’s. The personal representative has a legal duty to the heirs of the estate to act in the best interest of the estate, and may collect a fee for performing such service. A personal representative must also be appointed If a person dies without a will (intestate).
Codicil - an amendment to a will.
In order to be valid, a codicil must comply with all the requirements of the applicable wills act.
Holographic Will- a handwritten will.
Holographic wills are often exempt from requirements of the applicable wills act.
Bequest - a gift given by the testator to his or her heirs through a will.
Residual Estate - the balance of a testator’s belongings after debts have been paid and specific bequests have been distributed.
Intestate - not having signed a will before one dies; a person who dies without having signed a will.
Life Estate - a bequest that gives an heir the right to have exclusive use of a property for the remainder of his or her life, but without the power to transfer such property upon the death of that heir.
The property will transfer to the heirs of the residual estate after the death of the beneficiary of the life estate.
Per stirpes - a Latin phrase precisely translated as “by the branch” meaning that, if an heir named in the will dies before the testator, that heir’s share will be divided equally among that beneficiary’s own heirs.
An alternative to per capita, described below.
Per capita - a Latin phrase precisely translated as “by the head” meaning that, if an heir named in the will dies before the testator, that heir’s share will be divided among the testator’s remaining heirs.
An alternative to per stirpes, described above.
While it is a good idea to have a basic understanding of fundamental estate planning vocabulary, this cannot serve as a substitute for the services of an experienced attorney.
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
While nobody wants to think about disability or the end of life, establishing a sound plan is one of the most important steps you can take to protect yourself and your loved ones. Proper planning not only puts you in charge of your care and finances, it can also spare your loved ones the expense, delay and frustration associated with managing your affairs when you become disabled or pass away. The LegalJourney Law Firm believes that the key to establishing an effective estate, elder care or asset protection plan is working with a law firm that educates and guides each client through their legal journey. As part of the firm's education initiative, Attorney Karnardo Garnett will be speaking at the following seminars throughout the Bay Area: | 1.Online Seminar: Estate Planning - 101;Saturday, Nov 7, 2015 10:00 AM - 11 AM 2. Seminar - Estate Planning 101; Japanese Gardens Mobile Home Park (19709 US Hwy 19 N Clearwater, FL 33764) Thursday, Nov 19, 2015 3:00 PM - 4 PM* Visit www.LegalJourney.com today to register | *Estate Planning 101 on November 19th, 2015 at 3pm is being sponsored and hosted by our friends at Japanese Gardens Mobile Home Park.
Thursday, October 29, 2015

What is a Life Estate?
A life estate is a special designation in probate law referring to a gift to a family member that lasts as long as the life of the recipient. If an individual uses a life estate as part of his or her estate plan, whatever is bequeathed under the life estate will revert back to the residual estate upon the death of the life estate recipient. It is most common in scenarios where an individual starts a new family without children later in life and wants to ensure that the present spouse is taken care of for the remainder of her or his life. The owner of a life estate is called a life tenant. A life estate is often used as an alternative to a trust because it provides the life tenant with more control over the transferred asset.
A life tenant may treat an asset as his or her own. A home may be rented to tenants for income. The life tenant may sell his or her interest in the property to the heirs of the residual estate or to third parties. If the property is sold to a third party, that third party must surrender the property to the residual heirs upon the death of the life tenant.
Though the property belongs to the life tenant, the life tenant has a duty to the residual heirs to keep the property reasonably maintained and in good condition. He or she has an obligation to avoid mortgage arrearages and tax liens while in possession of the property. Exploiting natural resources on the property may be restricted during a life tenancy. A life tenant may not bequeath his or her interest in a life estate through a will because that interest immediately terminates upon the life tenant’s death. Significant changes to the property need to be agreed upon by all parties.
Though there are benefits, there are also drawbacks to establishing a life estate as part of an estate plan. The action could create estate tax issues for the tenant’s estate. In addition, creditors of the tenant may attach liens on the property, creating complicated legal issues for the heirs of the residual estate.
Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Five Common Reasons a Will Might Be Invalid
There are several reasons that a will may prove invalid. It is important for testators to be aware of these pitfalls in order to avoid them.
Improper Execution
The requirements vary from state to state, but most states require a valid will to be witnessed by two people not named in the will. Some jurisdictions require the document to be notarized as well. Although these restrictions may be relaxed if the will is holographic (handwritten), it is best to satisfy these requirements to ensure that the testamentary document will be honored by the probate court.
Lack of Testamentary Capacity
Anyone over the age of 18 is presumed to understand what a will is. At the end of life, individuals are often not in the best state of mind. If court finds that an individual is suffering from dementia, is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or is incapable of understanding the document being executed for some other reason, the court may invalidate the will on the grounds that the individual does not have testamentary capacity.
Replacement by a Later Will
Whenever an individual writes a new will, it invalidates all wills made previously. This means that a will might be believed to be valid for months until a more recently executed document surfaces. The newest will always takes precedence, controlling how assets should be distributed.
Lack of Required Content
Every will is required to contain certain provisions to carry out its purpose. These provisions, ensure that the testator understands the reason for executing the document. Although these provisions vary from state to state, some are common to all jurisdictions. It should be clear that the document is intended to be a will. The document should demonstrate an individual’s wishes in regard to what should happen to his or her property after death. A proper will should also include a provision to appoint an executor to act as an agent for the estate and enforce the terms of the will. If the document lacks any of these provisions, the will may be declared invalid.
Undue influence or fraud
A will that was executed under undue influence, coercion or fraud will be invalidated by a court. If a will has been presented to a testator for a signature as if it were any other document, like a power of attorney or a business contract, the court will find that the will was fraudulently obtained and will not honor it. If an individual providing end of life care with exclusive access to the testator threatens to stop care unless a will is modified, that modification is considered to be the result of undue influence and the court will not accept it.
Monday, October 12, 2015
While nobody wants to think about disability or the end of life, establishing a sound plan is one of the most important steps you can take to protect yourself and your loved ones. Proper planning not only puts you in charge of your care and finances, it can also spare your loved ones the expense, delay and frustration associated with managing your affairs when you become disabled or pass away. The LegalJourney Law Firm believes that the key to establishing an effective estate, elder care or asset protection plan is working with a law firm that educates and guides each client through their legal journey. As part of the firm's education initiative, Attorney Karnardo Garnett will be speaking at the following seminars throughout the Bay Area: | Seminar Lunch & Learn - Estate Planning 101; Thursday, Oct 15, 2015 12:00 PM - 2 PM* - Online Seminar:Estate Planning - 101; Saturday, Oct 24, 2015 10:00 AM - 11 AM
Visitwww.LegalJourney.comtoday to register |
*This month’s Lunch and Learn on October 15th, 2015 at 12pm is being sponsored and hosted by our friends at Lake Seminole Square, a Brookdale Community. Lunch will be provide, so please RSVP via the LegalJourney Law Firm PLLC website or by calling Lake Seminole Square at 727-391-0500
Thursday, October 1, 2015
With the change to Florida Statute Section 765.202, health care surrogates can immediately make health care decisions and gain access to medical records. Prior to the statute change, a health care surrogate could not act without a medical determination that the surrogacy was needed (i.e. the patient could no longer make their own medical decisions). Due to changes in lucidity, this caused issues based on the stability of the patient. Resulting in the potential for the need of multiple incapacity determinations and gaps in care. With the change to the statute, a surrogate can access medical records and make health care decisions prior to a determination of incompetency, but while the patient has capacity, their decisions controls. Section 765.2035 of the new law also removes any confusion around if parents and/or guardians could name surrogates for minor children. Contact us today to discuss making changes to your current plan or if you have any questions regarding the change in law.
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Planning for Long Term Care will cover the basics of Elder Law in Florida, including but not limited to: - Elder Law terms;
- Long Term Care Options; and
- Asset Protection;
Attorney Karnardo Garnett represents clients with their Estate Planning, Elder Law and Asset Protection needs throughout the Tampa Bay Area, serving all of the bay area, including but not limited to Tampa, Brandon, Clearwater, St. Petersburg, Gibsonton, Riverview, Oldsmar, Safety Harbor, Hillsborough County, and Pinellas County, FL