Monday, November 13, 2017
The New York Times published an article by Paul Sullivan entitled, "How to Plan for the Unforeseen" (Oc 08, 2017). Provided below is a brief summary of the article published at nytimes. Read more . . .
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
The Motley Fool published an article by Dan Caplinger entitled, "3 Reasons You'll Still Need Estate Planning Even if the Death Tax Disappears" (Oct 21, 2017). Provided below is a brief summary of the article published at fool. Read more . . .
Monday, June 19, 2017
Financial-Planning.com published an article by Ed Slott entitled, "When you should establish an IRA as a trust" (May 31, 2017). Provided below is a brief summary of the article published at Financial-Planning. Read more . . .
Monday, January 9, 2017
TheTimesHerald.com published an article by Matthew Wallace entitled, "New Year's Resolution: Plan to Plan" (Jan 2, 2017). Provided below is a brief summary of the article published at TheTimesHerald. Read more . . .
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Fran Hawthorne (NYTimes.com) has an article published entitled “When Boomers Inherit, Complications May Follow” (Feb10, 2014). Provided below is a summary of the article from NYTimes.com: When Boomers Inherit, Complications May Follow There have never been as many heirs with as much money as now, thanks to the intersection of two demographics: the 79 million baby boomers and the general thriftiness of their Depression-raised parents. "Inherited money is sacred money," said Rick Kagawa, 61, a financial planner in California who inherited money and property when his mother died in 2010. "Whatever you do with that money, you should think about your parents and what they would think of what you did." Often, as with Ms. Cornell, emotional ties make heirs reluctant to alter a penny of their parents' investment strategy or shed a single inch of property. "We've had clients who wanted to keep a stock that was part of the family's wealth in memory of their parents, even if it's causing a lack of diversification in the portfolio," said Charles D. Haines Jr., chief executive of Kinsight, a financial advisory firm based in Birmingham, Ala., with $500 million under management. Ms. Bradley of the Sudden Money Institute suggests that instead of trying to memorialize parents by hanging onto their stock portfolio, offspring should "Do something with the money to create a lasting memory." One client, she said, uses the interest from her inheritance to host an annual family reunion. A picture caption on Tuesday with an article about baby boomers' inheriting their parents' estates misstated the name of the university where the photograph of a Japanese garden was taken. To read the full article go to "When Boomers Inherit, Complications May Follow" By Fran Hawthorne (NYTimes.com).
Thursday, June 12, 2014
The bond between a grandparent and grandchild is a very special one based on respect, trust and unconditional love. When preparing one’s estate plan, it’s not at all uncommon to find grandparents who want to leave much or all of their fortune to their grandchildren. With college tuition costs on the rise, many seniors are looking to ways to help their grandchildren with these costs long before they pass away. Fortunately, there are ways to “gift” an education with minimal consequences for your estate and your loved ones.
The options for your financial support of your heirs’ education may vary depending upon the age of the grandchild and how close they are to actually entering college. If your grandchild is still quite young, one of the best methods to save for college may be to make a gift into a 529 college savings plan. This type of plan was approved by the IRS in Section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code. It functions much like an IRA in that the appreciation of the investments grows tax deferred within the 529 account. In fact, it is likely to be "tax free" if the money is eventually used to pay for the college expenses. Another possible bonus is that you may get a tax deduction or tax credit on your state income tax return for making such an investment. You should consult your own tax advisor and your state's rules and restrictions.
If your granddaughter or grandson is already in college, the best way to cover their expenses would be to make a payment directly to the college or university that your grandchild attends. Such a "gift" would not be subject to the annual gift tax exemption limits of $14,000 which would otherwise apply if you gave the money directly to the grandchild. Thus, as long as the gift is for education expenses such as tuition, and if the payment is made directly to the college or university, the annual gift tax limits will not apply.
As with all financial gifts, it’s important to consult with your estate planning attorney who can help you look at the big picture and identify strategies which will best serve your loved ones now and well into the future.
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
In planning your estate, you most likely have concerned yourself with “big picture” issues. Who inherits what? Do I need a living trust? However, there are numerous details that are often overlooked, and which can drastically impact the distribution of your estate to your intended beneficiaries. Listed below are some of the most common overlooked estate planning issues.
Liquid Cash: Is there enough available cash to cover the estate’s operating expenses until it is settled? The estate may have to pay attorneys’ fees, court costs, probate expenses, debts of the decedent, or living expenses for a surviving spouse or other dependents. Your estate plan should estimate the cash needs and ensure there are adequate cash resources to cover these expenses.
Tax Planning: Even if your estate is exempt from federal estate tax, there are other possible taxes that should be anticipated by your estate plan. There may be estate or death taxes at the state level. The estate may have to pay income taxes on investment income earned before the estate is settled. Income taxes can be paid out of the liquid assets held in the estate. Death taxes may be paid by the estate from the amount inherited by each beneficiary.
Executor’s Access to Documents: The executor or estate administrator must be able to access the decedent’s important papers in order to locate assets and close up the decedent’s affairs. Also, creditors must be identified and paid before an estate can be settled. It is important to leave a notebook or other instructions listing significant assets, where they are located, identifying information such as serial numbers, account numbers or passwords. If the executor is not left with this information, it may require unnecessary expenditures of time and money to locate all of the assets. This notebook should also include a comprehensive list of creditors, to help the executor verify or refute any creditor claims.
Beneficiary Designations: Many assets can be transferred outside of a will or trust, by simply designating a beneficiary to receive the asset upon your death. Life insurance policies, annuities, retirement accounts, and motor vehicles are some of the assets that can be transferred directly to a beneficiary. To make these arrangements, submit a beneficiary designation form to the financial institution, retirement plan or motor vehicle department. Be sure to keep the beneficiary designations current, and provide instructions to the executor listing which assets are to be transferred in this manner.
Fund the Living Trust: Unfortunately, many people establish living trusts, but fail to fully implement them, thereby reducing or eliminating the trust’s potential benefits. To be subject to the trust, as opposed to the probate court, an asset’s ownership must be legally transferred into the trust. If legal title to homes, vehicles or financial accounts is not transferred into the trust, the trust is of no effect and the assets must be probated.
Monday, October 14, 2013
 October 15, 2013 marks the start of National Estate Planning Awareness week for the year 2013. This is a great time to get educated on Estate Planning and update any legal documents, such as your will, if you have not done so in the last two years. A few things to consider are the new laws on estate taxes, beneficiary designation forms, Power of Attorney agreements, and trust creation.
Attorney Karnardo Garnett of the LegalJourney Law Firm in Tampa, FL will be participating in the National Estate Planning Week by offering seminars and attending expos discussing the importance of planning.
Attorney Garnett will be hosting and/or participating in the following events during the Estate Planning Awareness Week this October:
- 10/18 – Preneed Planning
- Where: 2901 W. Swann Tampa, FL
- Time: 12:00 PM
- 10/19 – Estate Planning 101
- Where: Online Register Today!
- Time: 9:00 AM
- Topics of discussion include:
- Estate Planning Terminology;
- What happens when you die in Florida with/without an estate plan;
- Common mistakes made; and
- Five documents that everyone should have
Stay tuned for daily offers during Estate Planning Week via the LegalJourney Blog!
Thursday, August 1, 2013
You spend your whole life building your legacy but sadly, that is not always enough. Without careful estate tax planning, much of it could be lost to taxes or misdirected. While a will or living trust is essential for dividing your estate as you wish, an estate tax plan ensures you pass on as much of your legacy as possible.
Understanding estate tax laws
For the past decade, estate tax laws have been a sort of political football with significant changes occurring every few years. The good news is that the 2013 tax act made the basic $5 million estate tax exemption “permanent,” but at a higher rate of 40%, though the law continues to adjust the exemption level for inflation. With this adjustment, the 2013 exclusion is $5.25 million per person ($10.5 million per married couple). The law also retained exclusion “portability” which means that if one spouse dies in 2013, the surviving spouse may pass on the unused portion of the deceased spouse’s exclusion. This portability is not automatic, however. The unused portion needs to be transferred by the executor to the surviving spouse, and a special tax return must be filed within nine months. The surviving spouse does not have to pay estate taxes at this time?they only become due after both spouses have died.
Optimizing your estate plan
One way to maximize the amount you can pass on is through annual gifting while you are alive. An individual is allowed to give $14,000 each year to another individual, tax-free. If you give more than that, it will reduce your basic lifetime exclusion. So, if you give a child $50,000 this year, your basic $5.25 million exclusion will be reduced by $36,000 at the time of your death. You can gift as much as your full $5.25 million exclusion before incurring taxes, although doing so would “exhaust” your estate tax exemption at death. Gift tax rates were raised to 40% in 2013 and are paid by the giver, not the recipient.
An experienced estate tax planning attorney can help minimize potential gift and estate taxes by:
Identifying taxable assets
Transforming your wishes into a will or living trust
Keeping you apprised of federal and state tax law changes
Establishing an annual gifting plan
Creating family and charitable trusts
Setting up IRA charitable rollovers
Setting up 529 education savings plans
Helping you create a succession plan for your family business
It’s never pleasant to consider the end of your life, but planning for it will help ensure that the things you care about are cared for. It is one of the greatest gifts you can give your loved ones.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Changes to income taxes grabbed the lion’s share of the attention as the President and Congress squabbled over how to halt the country’s journey towards the “fiscal cliff.” However, negotiations over exemptions and tax rates for estate taxes, gift taxes and generation-skipping taxes also occurred on Capitol Hill, albeit with less fanfare.
The primary fear was that Congress would fail to act and the estate tax exemption would revert back down to $1 million. This did not happen. The ultimate legislation that was enacted, American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012, maintains the $5 million exemption for estate taxes, gift taxes and generation-skipping taxes. The actual amount of the exemption in 2013 is $5.25 million, due to adjustments for inflation.
The other fear was that the top estate tax rate would revert to 55 percent from the 2012 rate of 35 percent. The top tax rate did rise, but only 5 percent from 35 percent to 40 percent.
The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 also makes permanent the portability provision of estate tax law. Portability means that the unused portion of the first-to-die spouse’s estate tax exemption passes to the surviving spouse to be used in addition to the surviving spouse’s individual $5.25 million exemption.
Some Definitions and Additional Explanations
The federal estate tax is imposed when assets are transferred from a deceased individual to surviving heirs. The federal estate tax does not apply to estates valued at less than $5.25 million. It also does not apply to after-death transfers to a surviving spouse, as well as in a few other situations. Many states also impose a separate estate tax.
The federal gift tax applies to any transfers of property from one individual to another for no return or for a return less than the full value of the property. The federal gift tax applies whether or not the giver intends the transfer to be a gift. In 2013, the lifetime exemption amount is $5.25 million at a rate of 40 percent. Gifts for tuition and for qualified medical expenses are exempt from the federal gift tax as are gifts under $14,000 per recipient per year.
The federal generation-skipping tax (GST) was created to ensure that multi-generational gifts and bequests do not escape federal taxation. There are both direct and indirect generation-skipping transfers to which the GST may apply. An example of a direct transfer is a grandmother bequeathing money to her granddaughter. An example of an indirect transfer is a mother bequeathing a life estate for a house to her daughter, requiring that upon her death the house is to be transferred to the granddaughter.
Attorney Karnardo Garnett represents clients with their Estate Planning, Elder Law and Asset Protection needs throughout the Tampa Bay Area, serving all of the bay area, including but not limited to Tampa, Brandon, Clearwater, St. Petersburg, Gibsonton, Riverview, Oldsmar, Safety Harbor, Hillsborough County, and Pinellas County, FL