Estate Planning
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Important Issues to Consider When Setting Up Your Estate Plan
Often estate planning focuses on the “big picture” issues, such as who gets what, whether a living trust should be created to avoid probate and tax planning to minimize gift and estate taxes. However, there are many smaller issues, which are just as critical to the success of your overall estate plan. Below are some of the issues that are often overlooked by clients and sometimes their attorneys.
Cash Flow
Is there sufficient cash? Estates incur operating expenses throughout the administration phase. The estate often has to pay state or federal estate taxes, filing fees, living expenses for a surviving spouse or other dependents, cover regular expenses to maintain assets held in the estate, and various legal expenses associated with settling the estate.
How will taxes be paid? Although the estate may be small enough to avoid federal estate taxes, there are other taxes which must be paid. Depending on jurisdiction, the state may impose an estate tax. If the estate is earning income, it must pay income taxes until the estate is fully settled. Income taxes are paid from the liquid assets held in the estate, however estate taxes could be paid by either the estate or from each beneficiary’s inheritance if the underlying assets are liquid.
What, exactly, is held in the estate? The owner of the estate certainly knows this information, but estate administrators, successor trustees and executors may not have certain information readily available. A notebook or list documenting what major items are owned by the estate should be left for the estate administrator. It should also include locations and identifying information, including serial numbers and account numbers.
Your estate can’t be settled until all creditors have been paid. As with your assets, be sure to leave your estate administrator a document listing all creditors and account numbers. Be sure to also include information regarding where your records are kept, in the event there are disputes regarding the amount the creditor claims is owed.
Beneficiary Designations
Some assets are not subject to the terms of a will. Instead, they are transferred directly to a beneficiary according to the instruction made on a beneficiary designation form. Bank accounts, life insurance policies, annuities, retirement plans, IRAs and most motor vehicles departments allow you to designate a beneficiary to inherit the asset upon your death. By doing so, the asset is not included in the probate estate and simply passes to your designated beneficiary by operation of law.
Fund Your Living Trust
Your probate-avoidance living trust will not keep your estate out of the probate court unless you formally transfer your assets into the trust. Only assets which are legally owned by the trust are subject to its terms. Title to your real property, vehicles, investments and other financial accounts should be transferred into the name of your living trust.
Friday, May 17, 2013
Day 5: Free Online Trust Based Estate Plan Package1
The LegalJourney Law Firm is providing a free “Online Trust Based Estate Plan Package” for the first 2 individuals who sign up for a new client account via the online legal services link at www.legaljourney.com.
To set up a free online account:
1. Go to www.legaljourney.com;
2. Select “Click Here For Online Legal Services”;
3. Select “Register for a New Online Legal Services Account today!"
Create a user account and you will be notified within 24 hours if you will be a recipient of todays offer.
The LegalJourney Law Firm’s Online Will based Estate Plan Package includes: a Will, a Living Will, Health Care Power of Attorney, HIPPA Authorization and Durable Power of Attorney.
To find out additional details, please contact the LegalJourney Law Firm PLLC
1This offer is available until close of business May 17th, 2013
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Day 4: Free Online Will Based Estate Plan Package1
The LegalJourney Law Firm is providing a free “Online Will Based Estate Plan Package” for the first 2 individuals who sign up for a new client account via the online legal services link at www.legaljourney.com.
To set up a free online account:
1. Go to www.legaljourney.com;
2. Select “Click Here For Online Legal Services”;
3. Select “Register for a New Online Legal Services Account today!"
Create a user account and you will be notified within 24 hours if you will be a recipient of todays offer.
The LegalJourney Law Firm’s Online Will based Estate Plan Package includes: a Will, a Living Will, Health Care Power of Attorney, HIPPA Authorization and Durable Power of Attorney.
To find out additional details, please contact the LegalJourney Law Firm PLLC
1This offer is available until close of business May 16th, 2013.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Day 3: Free Power of Attorney and Declaration of Preneed Guardian1
The first 4 individuals who contact the LegalJourney Law Firm using the "Contact the Firm" option on www.legaljourney.com will receive a free Florida Power of Attorney and a free Florida Declaration of Preneed Guardian.
The LegalJourney Law Firm’s Day 3 offer includes: an interview with an attorney, a customized power of attorney, a customized declaration of preneed guardian and notarization2 of your documents.
To find out additional details, please contact the LegalJourney Law Firm PLLC
1This offer is available until close of business May 15, 2013.
2Notarization is only available to residents of the Tampa Bay Area
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Day 2: Free Online Power of Attorney1
The LegalJourney Law Firm will provide a free “Online Power of Attorney” for the first 4 individuals who sign up for a new online client account via the online legal services link on www.legaljourney.com.
To set up a free online account:
1. Go to www.legaljourney.com;
2. Select “Click Here For Online Legal Services”;
3. Select “Register for a New Online Legal Services Account today!"
Create a user account and you will be notified within 24 hours if you will be a recipient of todays offer.
Everyone who connects with the LegalJourney Law Firm PLLC via the LegalJourney Blog, LinkedIn, Twitter, and/or Facebook during the month of May will receive 10% off any online legal service.
Florida Statute Section 709.2101 through 709.2402 (effective date October 1, 2011): Although still effective, everyone with a Power of Attorney (POA) created prior to October 1, 2011 should discuss his or her options with a knowledgeable estate-planning attorney. Issues have arisen in the past with financial institutions not accepting POAs or requiring their specific form to be signed. However, for POAs created under the new Statute, per section 709.2120, F.S., a third person is required to accept or reject a POA within a reasonable time and is not allowed to require an additional or a different POA for authority granted in the present POA. If the third person rejects a POA under the new Statute, they could be held liable for damages and attorney fees.
1This offer is available until close of business May 14th, 2013.
Monday, May 13, 2013
Day 1: Free Online Will1
The LegalJourney Law Firm will provide a free “Online Will” for the first 4 mothers who sign up for a new online client account via the online legal services link on www.legaljourney.com.
To set up a free online account:
1. Go to www.legaljourney.com;
2. Select “Click Here For Online Legal Services”;
3. Select “Register for a New Online Legal Services Account today!"
Create a user account and you will be notified within 24 hours if you will be a recipient of todays offer.
Everyone who connects with the LegalJourney Law Firm PLLC via the LegalJourney Blog, LinkedIn, Twitter, and/or Facebook during the month of May will receive 10% off any online legal service.
1This offer is available until close of business May 13th, 2013.
Friday, May 10, 2013
This Mother’s Day, as a way of saying thank you, the LegalJourney Law Firm PLLC will be offering free and/or reduced estate planning for all mother’s and their loved ones during the week after Mother’s Day.
Each day beginning on May 13th 2013 through May 17th 2013, the LegalJourney Law Firm PLLC will post, via the LegalJourney Blog, LinkedIn profile, Twitter account and Facebook page, daily opportunities to receive either a reduced price or a completely free legal service.
Every Mother who connects with the LegalJourney Law Firm PLLC via the LegalJourney Blog, LinkedIn, Twitter, and/or Facebook during the month of May will receive 10% off any online legal service.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Imagine if writing a last will and testament were a pre-requisite to graduating from high school. The graduate walks across the stage, hands the completed will to the principal, and gets the diploma in return. It might sound strange because most 18 year olds have little in terms of assets but it’s a good idea for all adults to draft a last will and testament.
Graduation from college is another good milestone to use as a reminder to create an estate plan. If you haven’t created a will by the time you marry – or are living with a partner in a committed relationship – then it’s fair to say you are overdue.
Think you don’t need an estate plan because you’re broke? Not true. Here are eight excellent reasons for young people to complete a last will and testament. And they have very little to do with money.
You are entering the military. Anyone entering the military, at 18 or any other age, should make sure his or her affairs are in order. Even for an 18-year-old, that means creating a will and other basic estate planning documents like a health care directive and powers of attorney.
You received an inheritance. You may not think of the inheritance as your asset, especially if it is held in trust for you. But, without an estate plan, the disposition of that money will be a slow and complicated process for your surviving family members.
You own an animal. It is common for people to include plans for their pets in their wills. If the unthinkable were to happen and you died unexpectedly, what would happen to your beloved pet? Better to plan ahead for your animals in the event of your death. You can even direct the sale of specific assets, with the proceeds going to your pet’s new guardian for upkeep expenses.
You want to protect your family from red tape. If you die without a will, your family will have to take your “estate” (whatever money and possessions you have at the time of your death) through a long court process known as probate. If you had life insurance, for example, your family would not be able to access those funds until the probate process was complete. A couple of basic estate planning documents can keep your estate out of the probate court and get your assets into the hands of your chosen beneficiaries much more quickly.
You have social media accounts. Many people spend a great deal of time online, conversing with friends, storing important photos and documents and even managing finances. Without instructions from you, will your family know what to do with your Facebook account, your LinkedIn account, and so forth?
You want to give money or possessions to friends or charities. When someone dies without a will, there are laws that dictate who will receive any assets. These recipients will include immediate family members like parents, siblings, and a spouse. If you want to give assets to friends or to a charity, you must protect your wishes with a will.
You care about what happens to you if you are in a coma or persistent vegetative state. We all see the stories on the news – ugly fights within families over the prostrate bodies of critically ill children or siblings or spouses. When you write your will, write a health care directive (also called a living will) and a financial power of attorney as well. This is especially important if you have a life partner to whom you are not married so they can make decisions on your behalf
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Attorney Karnardo Garnett of the LegalJourney Law Firm in Tampa will participate in National Elder Law Month by offering seminars and attending expos discussing the importance of planning.
With a growing population of Americans age 65 years or older, the importance of planning for one’s legal needs has become essential.
Attorney Garnett will be hosting or participating in the following events during the month of May:
5/15 - University Village: Annual Health & Wellness Expo 12401 North 22nd St, Tampa 33612
5/16 - Advanced Retirement Strategies and Asset Protection Workshop: Brio Tuscan Grille 2223 North Westshore Blvd Tampa, FL 33607 at 6:00pm
5/21 - Advanced Retirement Strategies and Asset Protection Workshop: Brio Tuscan Grille 2223 North Westshore Blvd Tampa, FL 33607 at 6:00pm
5/30 - Avoiding the Top Ten Estate Planning Mistakes: Grand Court 4902 Bayshore Blvd Tampa, FL 33611 at 6:30pm
Attorney Garnett, a resident of Tampa since 1984, has practiced law for several years and focuses his practice on Estate Planning, Elder Law and Asset Protection. Attorney Garnett is a member of the Florida State Bar Association and the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA).
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
You’ve had an attorney draft your estate planning documents, including your living trust and will. Probate avoidance and tax saving strategies have been implemented. Your documents are signed, notarized and witnessed in accordance with all applicable laws, and are stored in a location known to your chosen executor or estate administrator. Your work is done, right? Not exactly.
Although treasure hunts may be fun for youngsters, the fiduciaries of your estate will not find inventorying your assets to be nearly as exciting. When it comes time to settle your affairs, your estate representatives will be charged with the responsibility to gather and manage your assets, pay off debts and taxes, and distribute your assets to your named beneficiaries. This can be a tall order for an outsider who is likely unaware of the full scope of your assets. If your fiduciaries cannot determine exactly what property you own, and its value and location, you are setting up your loved ones for a frustrating treasure hunt that can delay the settlement of your estate and rack up additional estate-related expenses. You may be remembered for the frustration of locating your assets, rather than the gifts made upon your death – not a legacy many wish to leave. Instead, as you are establishing your estate plan take the extra time to record a comprehensive asset inventory and make sure those who will be responsible for settling your estate know where that inventory is stored. Do not presume that everything is handled once you meet with a lawyer and sign your documents. The legal instruments you have gone to the time, trouble and expense to prepare are practically worthless if your assets cannot be identified, located and transferred to your beneficiaries. However, creating a thoughtful asset inventory will aid your loved ones in closing your estate and honoring your memory. Nobody knows better what assets you own than you. And who better than you to know an item’s value, age or location? Your fiduciaries may not have the benefit of tax or registration renewal notices for titled assets, and certainly won’t have copies of the titles or deeds – unless you provide them. It’s a good idea to include copies of the following items with your asset inventory:
- Deeds to real property
- Titles to personal property
- Statements for bank, brokerage, credit card and retirement accounts
- Stock certificates
- Life insurance policy
- Tax notices
For each of the above assets you should also list names and contact information for individuals who can assist with each the underlying assets, such as real estate attorneys, brokers, financial planners and accountants. If your estate includes unique objects or valuable family heirlooms, a professional appraisal can help you plan your estate, and help your representatives settle your estate. If you have any property appraised, include a copy of the report with your asset inventory. Care should be taken to continually update your asset inventory as things change. There will likely be many years between the time your estate plan is created and the day your fiduciaries must step in and settle your estate. Properties may be bought or sold, and these changes should be reflected in your asset inventory on an ongoing basis.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Estate Planning 101 will cover the basics of Estate Planning in Florida, including but not limited to:
• Estate planning terminology;
• What happens when you die in Florida with/without an estate plan;
• Common mistakes made; and
• The five documents that everyone should have.
Attorney Karnardo Garnett represents clients with their Estate Planning, Elder Law and Asset Protection needs throughout the Tampa Bay Area, serving all of the bay area, including but not limited to Tampa, Brandon, Clearwater, St. Petersburg, Gibsonton, Riverview, Oldsmar, Safety Harbor, Hillsborough County, and Pinellas County, FL