To raise awareness for Alzheimer’s disease, Attorney Karnardo Garnett will be participating in the National Alzheimer’s Awareness month by offering a free service each week starting Wednesdays and ending Fridays.
This week LegalJourney will be offering a free Online Power of Attorney1from Wednesday November 7th until Friday November 9th, 2013.
Week 1: Free Online Power of Attorney1
The LegalJourney Law Firm will provide a free “Online Power of Attorney,” each day1, for the first 3 individuals who sign up for a new online client account via the online legal services link on www.legaljourney.com.
To set up a free online account:
1. Go to www.legaljourney.com;
2. Select “Click Here For Online Legal Services”;
3. Select “Register for a New Online Legal Services Account today!"
Create a user account and you will be notified within 24 hours if you will be a recipient of todays offer.
Florida Statute Section 709.2101 through 709.2402 (effective date October 1, 2011): Although still effective, everyone with a Power of Attorney (POA) created prior to October 1, 2011 should discuss his or her options with a knowledgeable estate-planning attorney. Issues have arisen in the past with financial institutions not accepting POAs or requiring their specific form to be signed. However, for POAs created under the new Statute, per section 709.2120, F.S., a third person is required to accept or reject a POA within a reasonable time and is not allowed to require an additional or a different POA for authority granted in the present POA. If the third person rejects a POA under the new Statute, they could be held liable for damages and attorney fees.
1This offer is available until November 9th, 2013.